
  • All orders will be processed and shipped within 48 hours of purchase.
  • Tracking will be available for all orders placed through our website.
  • MOMMA offers worldwide shipping, however, please note that we are not responsible for any additional custom’s clearance or duties fees. If you choose to decline a duties fee, there will be a $25 fee deducted from your refund to cover shipping expenses.


We get it—online shopping is difficult. We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase, so we offer a full refund (for full priced items) or a store credit if a return is initiated within 14 days of delivery. To initiate your return please email customercare@mommalovesyou.com.   

Items must be returned unworn, in the original packaging, and with the hygiene liner in its original condition. Swimwear must be returned in its original packaging and with the MOMMA hangtag still attached. We reserve the right to refuse any items that have been soiled or tampered with (this includes, but is not limited to, any odd smells or makeup stains).

To ensure your return, we recommend you try on your swimsuit over underwear before removing the hygiene liner.

Although we do our best to ensure this never happens, if you receive a defective garment, please email customercare@mommalovesyou.com for assistance.

MOMMA ambassador program

Interested in becoming a MOMMA partner? We’d love to hear from you! Email inquiries to ambassadors@mommalovesyou.com